Develop and Implement a Business Plan

The business plan will describe how you will manage the financial operations of the business, market your business in a…

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Develop and Implement a Food Safety Program

Hygiene and food safety is of critical importance to a business due to the potential for problems if it is…

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Develop and Implement Marketing Strategies

Marketing is planned advertising, promotions, publicity, public relations and even social media interaction. Getting customers to visit your business and…

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Implement and Monitor WHS Policies, Procedures and Programs to meet Legislative Requirements

In your workplace, you will need to meet the requirements of the Act in your state unless you are dealing…

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Implement and Monitor Work Health and Safety practices

Establishing an effective WHS system is not only a legal requirement for ensuring safety, it is also makes economical sense.…

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Implement Operational Plan

Often the difference between a successful business or organisation and a not so successful one is in the quality of…

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