Coordinate Cooking Operations

Organising the kitchen to operate smoothly requires thorough understanding of the components of the catering control cycle, as well as…

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Maintain Quality of Perishables

This module covers receiving, storing, rotating and managing supplies to maintain the quality of perishable goods in the kitchen.

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Plan and Cost Basic Menus

A successful menu is one that is created with the customers in mind. Different businesses will attract different types of…

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Plan Catering for Events or Functions

Events and functions are a key driver of the tourism and hospitality industry. Most events, regardless of whether they are…

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Prepare Meat Dishes

Whilst most establishments purchase portion-cut meat you still need to be aware of where the cut is located on the…

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Produce Cakes

The key cakes covered in this unit are: Basic and high ratio cakes Sponges Health cakes Fruit cakes and puddings

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Serve Food and Beverages

Service staff require good knowledge of the business and the products it sells. Staff must also know how to use…

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