Access and Interpret Product Information

A key role of Booking Agents is to sell holidays to customers. Throughout this unit we will be looking at…

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Interact with Customers

Service staff require good knowledge of the business and the products it sells. Staff must also know how to use…

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Launder Linen and Guest Clothes

On-site laundry operations are considered to be the nerve centre of a Housekeeping Department, just as the kitchen is to…

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Prepare Rooms for Guests

The cleanliness and state of the guest room has a major impact on the guests opinion of the venue. Therefore,…

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Process Financial Transactions

Financial transactions are exchanges of payment for products or services. They form an important part of the running of a…

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Process Reservations

Accommodation employees are placed in a pivotal position to be able to influence how well the customer enjoys their stay.…

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Provide Accommodation Reception Services

The reception area is one of the most important spaces within the accommodation venue. At some stage every guest must…

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Provide Housekeeping Services to Guests

Provide Housekeeping Services to Guests In addition to the upkeep of overall property cleanliness, the Housekeeping department plays a direct…

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Provide Information and Assistance

Customer service relies on staff being knowledgeable about the products and services offered by the establishment; and also being able…

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Provide Lost and Found Services

An organised and well-managed lost and found facility is essential for all accommodation providers. Not only will it lessen the…

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Provide Visitor Information

Regardless of where you work, if you are in a frontline service position you will deal with visitors and may…

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